
Selasa, 25 Januari 2011

Nissin Wafer

Product: Nissin Wafer
TM + TA : Male Female, Youth, 17-26 yo.

Menonjolkan kelebihan Wafer Nissin yaitu wafernya yang renyah dan 'ringan', saking renyahnya, ketika digigit akan menimbulkan bunyi 'kress kress'.. dan cocok untuk menjadi cemilan bagi anak muda.

Tagline : "Kress.. your boring time!" --> yang juga berima seperti "crash your boring time"

PRINT AD (Creative 2 side Ad) - FRONT


Menampilkan bungkus wafer Nissin yang seolah-olah pada bagian ujung kanannya sudah disobek sehingga wafer siap dimakan. Pada bagian tersebut ada tulisan "tear here"
dan ketika "wafer" diangkat akan menimbulkan bunyi "kreesss", untuk menarik minat anak muda. Pada halaman belakang visualisasi kerenyahan wafer Nissin yang terbelah dua untuk menggugah minat.

Storyboard TVC: (click for bigger pict)

(click play and hear hear :D)

Nissin kress radio ad by acelagusta

IAA - Biodiversity

College task on Advertising Practice subject.
We have to submit a set of logo and poster to IAA,
I actually forgot the exact brief, but it was something about biodiversity.
If you wanna know more, Google it.

Biodiversity Logo

(Click for a bigger image)

The Rationale :

“One Great Idea can help in saving up to 30 million species”.

And the big idea is “One Simple Action”.

As we know, we as species are rapidly destroying and threatening the survival of our ecological communities. But sometimes we don’t know or realize that our lifestyle and consumption habits are dangerous for our ecosystem and this living planet. When some things became a habit, it’s going to hard to tell them to completely change their habits. Besides, people will get confuse, “which habit?”, “Which way of consumption?” Etc. That’s why I chose “One Simple Action”. It means by only do one particular action and change one particular consumption habit, can help in saving up to 30 million species. We can always start with a simple act. Tell them some good information and what to do to help. If they follow and do step by step, one by one of each action, they can directly contribute saving our biodiversity in a simple and easy way.

This big idea can be extended as a campaign. There are many tips to do to save our biodiversity, but they don’t know yet, such as using fluorescent light bulb or reuse metal tin cans, etc. Not to forget, after we give some important information, we want them to take action and change their habit. (Tagline: One simple action can help in saving up to 30 million species. Take action. Change our habit.)

The idea is execute in “clean”, “direct”, and serious look, which can be easily identified. (By the “biodiversity logo” and the constant “look” of this “One simple action” campaign). The target audience is male and female, between 12-65 years old, because the information on the poster can be understand by them, they can keep it their mind, and take “the simple action”.

Senin, 24 Januari 2011

Heartbeat Campaign

College task on Advertising Practice subject. D3 Advertising University of Indonesia.
(This is not a real project, only simulation)

Client: ASIRI (Asosiasi Industri Rekaman Indonesia)

Target Audience / Adapter: Youth.

Menurut hasil riset kecil-kecilan yang kami buat, pembajakan musik yang dilakukan oleh anak muda lebih banyak dilakukan dengan cara mengunduh musik melalui internet secara ilegal dan kebanyakan dari mereka tidak mengetahui bahwa mengunduh secara ilegal juga merupakan tindakan pembajakan musik yang bisa mematikan industri musik.

FLOW: Issue spreading of missing artists, revealing the cause, directing audience to the website that contains about Heartbeat Campaign,

Heartbeat: The sign of life, The heart of music is the creativity, and Beat is the Heart of music, so No Heart, No Beat, No Music. If youth consider themselves as a music lover they'll appreciate the artists and won't do any piracy or illegal downloading.


Radio Ad

Radio Ad - ASIRI-01 by acelagusta

Its basically just a TVC in audio only version, just as reminder for the messages we've sent through the video/visual in Radio channel (the media where people listen to music)




Web Banner:

Created by MAP AD Agency.

Rabu, 19 Januari 2011

Adherent of Nobleman

"Adherent of Nobleman"
My friend just told me that is my nickname means in French name.